October 29 2008
I've been here just one year so far.
I came here to play basketball, so I really like playing basketball. I'm sure that everyone knows this...lol
Also, reading books is my favorite things to do. Now, I'm reading Harry Potter (the last one) every night before I go sleep.
My home stay is in richmond, so I go to school by car everyday. This morning, it was kind of warm with no rain, so I didn't need to wear Bodwell sweater underneath my favorite maroon color USC jacket. On the way going school was quite dark, but it wasn't cold as usual. During the class time, it was quite warm, definitely warmer than recently days; so i didn't wear my scarf in the school today. After school, I had a training at Level 10 Fitness Club. It was rainy outside, and colder than midday. When I finished, it was still rainy outside. It was pretty warm through the day.
I hope it will be nice and warm day tomorrow.
**This picture had taken just before I put here. This is from downtown to North Vancouver.